As I am writing this, 24096 people say, "I agree, your life is f***ed," while 1643 say, "you deserved that one." Going in knowing that "homophobia" is nowadays defined as "the belief that homosexuality is not greater than or equal to heterosexuality," I still can't believe the things some people said.
Today, my mom's will was read to the rest of the family. I helped my mom
write it a couple years ago, and I was to get funds to pay off school loans. She
revised it and put in a note saying I was to get nothing because I was gay. The
executor read it out loud. My mom was the only one who knew. FML
Vandalize her grave...
your mom's a b*tch. piss on her grave.
Hope your mom's death was painful.
Go dance on her grave with ur bf, perhaps some grinding.
Bitch burn in hell
What an evil bitch.
Omg that's horrible! I'm sooooooo sorry! And as for the 55 people who hit YDI, they can go to hell.
I'd say 'at least she's dead' but that would probably just make you feel worse...
How shit for you... definately FYL - but only at this moment. Now that ur out, your whole world has a change to expand!
The fact that anyone would click "you deserved it" sickens me.
Keep your head high, TS. You're better than her.
excuse me for saying this cus i dont really know ur mother and its really not very polite to say this, but fuck her.
That's the last backhand you'll get from *that* bitch. Celebrate your freedom.
Wow, words cannot describe the seething hate I have for your mother. Burning in hell would be less than she deserves.
Ugh, reading about ignorance is painful.
Ditto 31 (Wow, words cannot describe the seething hate I have for your mother. Burning in hell would be less than she deserves.)
Make out with your boyfriend on her grave >=seriously, what a bitch. :\ and I agreeee with #24 (Keep your head high, TS. You're better than her.)
I wanted to say: "that's so gay". But I guess that's not the right choice of words now, is it?
Ur moms retarded and very judgemental!!!!! I cannot believe ur own mother would do that to you!!!!!!!I would burst out crying and giving a picture of ur mom "the bird"!!!!!!!!!!!! She must of been REALLY mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YDI for counting on your mom to die to solve your financial fuck-ups.
i agree with #3 (Vandalize her grave...) #5 (your mom's a b*tch. piss on her grave.) and # 11 (Hope your mom's death was painful.)
Trollin' from the grave.
sorry about your loss and the fact that your mom was an ass
what a bitch, you should have let her rot alone in her last days.
Some people just don't understand.
Wow, your mom is a jerk.
Ur mom can burn in helll
Oh wow, what a jerk.
Fuck off, you homophobic pricks.
Well, your mom's going to hell.
She died bitter. Nothing worse than that.
Your mother is a bitch.
look at california...prop 8...its not socially acceptable to be gay, fuckng religion...
Anyone clicking YDI sickens me. Let's see your parents write you out if the will for being straight and see how you feel.
She is/was an idiot.
what a horrible person! you should tap dance on her grave.
At least she's dead now. Count that as a blessing. :D
Your Mom's burning in Hell right now.... she deserves it. I hope you spat on her grave.
Don't worry, that bitch is burning in hell right now for being so malicious and spiteful.
that's the most fucked up thing I've ever seen on here. If you aren't hoping she's burning in hell, I'll do it for you.
bitch move...
be happy she's dead, i would be.
That was really mean of your mom. Some people just dont understand or like changes.
Well, at least she is dead now?
Ignorant people like her make me die a little inside.
Your mom is a bitch. FHA. That's right. I just said Fuck Her Afterlife.
Well, I hope you don't mourn her much, she's not a person deserving to be called a mother.
Dude I am so srry tht is so fucked up tht bitch
i'm rather pissed that she's dead because i would really, really like to punch her in the fucking face for that. what a raging cunt.
At least you won't have to grieve the loss, of your Mother. Since was no kind, of Mother at all to you.
I'm sure she's enjoying her new condo with a lake-of-fire-side view in hell.
anyone who hit ydi on this is an awful person.
There were only a couple of posts not calling the mother an inappropriate word. Just about all of them consisted of multiple paragraphs that relied on reasoning and not hatred. The first one was the main one, the 46th comment.
When you helped your mom write her will, she didn't know you were gay. She based her will at that point on the assumption that you were straight. Later she found out you were gay and changed her will. There is nothing wrong with that because her will now reflects the latest information she had available. Because it is her will, she can change it however she likes, and does not have to disclose its contents to anybody ahead of time. She clearly learned that you were gay from a conversation that the two of you had. And although you left this part out, I'm sure at that time she let you know about how she felt about you being gay. I wouldn't be surprised if she even specifically mentioned to you that you would be getting nothing if you were gay. So don't act surprised that she changed her will.The mistake your mother made is that she did not distribute what she left behind properly. When a person dies, the first portion goes to pay any unpaid debts. From the remaining, a portion of what they leave belongs to the heirs by blood right, and then the rest she can divide as she wills (ie through her "will"). Although it is her right to adjust her will as she sees fit, she has no right to remove the heirs' portion. This however is a common mistake in today's society.Secondly, I doubt she intended to spill your secret and probably expected you to come out of the closet before she died, but death has a habit of taking people when they least expect it. And there was no way of her knowing who else already knew, for all she knew, the whole family knew already but didn't like talking about it. So yes that was a mistake on her part, but I can't blame her for this.Instead of grieving over the loss of your mother, you are writing a FML about how you are not getting any inheritance and people know that you are gay. That is such a terrible way to act, and I have no sympathy for you. May your mother rest in peace.
Replies? Certainly they can be reasonable, too?
#46, you're a dick.
#46, you know you could have saved yourself some time and still sent out exactly the same message if you just typed "I'm a cunt" in place of the essay.
#46, you're a cunt. #53... (#46, you know you could have saved yourself some time and still sent out exactly the same message if you just typed "I'm a cunt" in place of the essay.) LOL
#46, Pharmacyst, I think your response is totally appalling and hateful in sentiment.
#46 please get a life instead of writing essays as fml commets
#46, that is probably the worst thing I have ever heard a person say. You're absolutely awful. #53, lmao.
I agree with #24... (The fact that anyone would click "you deserved it" sickens me.) and every person who said your mom was a biatch..and every person who is hating on poster #46
There were no "omg gays are evil" or anything remotely "homophobic" in the replies. The final comment was from an administrator.
Thanks to all the ignorant homophobic comments, we're closing the comments section down on this one.
Nothing is better to combat "hatred" and "ignorance" than using hatred and ignorance. I'm appalled.
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