Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sarah Palin

I just opened Internet Explorer. My homepage is Yahoo! The headline story was about a national poll on views of Sarah Palin's recent resignation.

A quote from the article:

Just as Republicans as a whole are unfazed by Palin's move, the poll shows
Democrats and Independents are as unhappy with her as they were before, with 75% of Democrats and 55% of independents preferring she leave the national stage

Well no duh. Independent voters lean towards Democrats as of late, and when was the last time Democrats went crazy about a strong conservative? Back when they supported Jim Crow laws. They don't want anyone to remember any of that anymore.

Monday, July 6, 2009

There's Just No Good TV Anymore

I have to go another 167 hours until the next episode of TSLOTAT airs. Ugh.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Urban Dictionary's #1 Definition for "Women"

Element: Women
Symbol: Wo
Discoverer: Adam
Atomic Mass: Accepted at 53.6 kg, but known to vary between 40 &
200 kg
Occurences: Copious quantities in all urban areas
1. Surface usually covered in painted film.
2. Boils at nothing; freezes without known reason.
3. Melts if given special treatment.
4. Bitter if incorrectly used.
5. Found in various states from virgin metal to common ore.
6. Yields if pressure applied in correct places.
1. Has a great affinity for gold, silver and a range of precious
2. Absorbs great quantities of expensive substances.
3. May explode spontaneously without prior warning and for no know
4. Insoluble in liquids, but activity increases greatly when
saturated in alcohol.
5. Most powerful money reducing agent known to man.
1. Highly ornamental, especially in sports cars.
2. Can be a great aid to relaxation.
3. Very effective cleaning agent.
1. Pure specimen turns rosy pink when discovered in the natural state.
2. Turns green when placed beside a better specimen.
1. Highly dangerous except in experienced hands.
2. Illegal to possess more than one, although several can be maintained
at different locations as long as specimens do not come into direct
contact with each other.

MY GOD! these women just wont shut up