Thursday, January 29, 2009

Another Quiz Thing

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The Midland

"You have a Midland accent" is just another way of saying "you don't have an accent." You probably are from the Midland (Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and Missouri) but then for all we know you could be from Florida or Charleston or one of those big southern cities like Atlanta or Dallas. You have a good voice for TV and radio.

The South
The West
North Central
The Inland North
The Northeast
What American accent do you have?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

My Heritage

Monday, January 26, 2009

How 'Bout Them Chains?

I am going to answer these questions with either a simple "yes" or "no" to be more mysterious.

1. taken a picture naked? no

2. painted your room? no

3. made out with a member of the same sex? no

4. drove a car? yes

5. danced in front of your mirror? yes

6. have a crush? yes

7. been dumped? yes

8. stole money from a friend? yes

9. gotten in the car with people you didnt know? yes

10. been in a fist fight? no

11. had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? yes

12. had feelings for a friend? yes

I notice there is no #13.

14. made out with a stranger? no

15. met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere? yes

16. left your house with out telling your parents? yes

17. had a crush on your neighbor? no

18. ditched school to do something more fun? yes

19. slept (not had sex) in a bed with a member of the same sex? yes

20. seen someone die? no

21. been on a plane? yes

22. kissed a picture? no

23. slept in until 3? yes

24. miss someone right now? yes

25. laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? yes

26. made a snow angel? yes

27. played dress up? yes

28. cheated while playing a game? yes

29. been lonely? yes

30. fallen asleep at work/school? yes

31. been to a bar? yes

32. felt an earthquake? no

33. touched a snake? no

34. ran a red light? yes

35. been suspended from school? no

36. had detention? yes

37. been in a car accident that you didnt cause? yes

38. hated the way you look? yes

39. witnessed a crime? yes

39. been the person doing the crime? no

40. pole danced? no

41. been lost? yes

42. been to the opposite side of the country? yes

43. felt so sick you thought you might die? yes

44. cried yourself to sleep? yes

I notice there is no #45.

46. sang karaoke? yes

47. done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? yes

48. laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? yes

49. caught a snowflake on your tongue? yes

50. kissed in the rain? no

51. sang in the shower? yes

52. had sex in a park? no

53. had a dream where you were married? yes

54. glued your hand to something? yes

55. got your tongue/”arm” stuck to a flag pole? no

56. ever gone to school partially naked? no

57. been a cheerleader? no

58. sat on a roof top? yes

59. didn’t take a shower for a week? no

60. ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? yes

61. played chicken? yes

62. been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? yes

I notice there is no #63.

64. broken a bone? no

65. been easily amused? no

66. laughed so hard you cried? yes

67. mooned/flashed someone? no

68. cheated on a test? yes

69: forgotten someones name? yes

70. slept naked? no

71. gone skinny dipping? no

I notice there is no #72.

73. blacked out from drinking? no

74. played a prank on someone? yes

75. gone to a late night movie? yes

76. made love to anything not human? no

77. failed a class? yes

78. choked on something you’re not supposed to eat? no

79. played an instrument for more than 10 hours in total? yes

80. been cheated on? no

81. did you celebrate the 4th of July? yes

82. thrown strange objects? yes

83. felt like killing someone? yes

84. felt like running away? yes

I notice there is no #85.

86. did drugs? no

87. had detention and not attend it? no

I notice there is no #88.

89. made a parent cry? yes

90. cried about someone? yes

91. had sex with more than one person in a 24 hour period? no

92. dated someone you didn’t even like? no

93. had/have a dog? yes

I notice there is no #94.

95. own an instrument? yes

96. been in band? no

97. drank 25 sodas in a day? yes

98. broken a CD? yes

99. shot a gun? yes

100. had feelings for one of your best friends? yes

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I Used to Be The Kind of Guy Who Laughs at a Funeral

Death was an inevitable part of life, so it didn't matter when it came. Having accepted my Savior into my heart, I thought I would be okay with dying... until yesterday. Every person I've known that had passed away was sort of like a statistic; they were old (at least to me) and had lived long, accomplished lives. Even at that, they were even less unexpected because cancer would show up or something like that that would start a clock that could prepare you for reality.

I didn't really know Morgan. I went to the same school as her since 1997 (that is over 2,000 school days if you care to count) and yet the only classes I know we had in common were in fourth and fifth grade, and that's only because I have yearbooks to check that. I don't have any specific memories of her from school, either; I just remember that she smiled an awful lot and was always so cheerful.

She was also very enthusiastic in church. I always saw her there, and that's where I can recall my only two specific memories. When I started going to youth nights on Wednesdays back in 2007, I didn't know most people's names and was certainly not friends with anyone except one or two I knew beforehand. I remember one of those nights Morgan walked up to me and said, "Hi Ryan Pace. I bet you don't remember my name." Not only did she remember my name even though I don't think we had ever had a conversation before, but she also implied I wouldn't remember hers! Anytime I saw her from that point on, I addressed her by her full name (that's something I do for everyone who ever calls me "Ryan Pace").

My only other specific memory happened just last Sunday. It is short and wasn't memorable; I passed her leaving church. I took a sort of jagged route in the other direction to avoid the-what-I-always-find-weird "hi *insert name here*" exchange that is inevitable when two people pass each other on an empty sidewalk and one of them is extremely friendly. There were people behind me, so I don't know who that "hi" was to, but I hope it wasn't me. It wasn't personal or anything, so I don't know if I should feel guilty or not.

At least we all know that Morgan is in a better place now, just no one expected her departure to be so soon.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Happy New Year!

Two things that should be changed to my December 31 chain.

1. My Aunt Erika gave birth in 2008. So I do know someone.

2. A lot changed on December 31, as well, after LSU whooped Georgia Tech!

I made it to January 3! Woo!