Sunday, October 26, 2008

Political Activism

So today at church the topic of the sermon was marriage. It is the first of three weeks of covering topics with political consequences that we normally try to avoid out loud because society has taught us to keep our beliefs to ourselves, for the most part. The three main threats to marriage are divorce, cohabitation, and same-sex marriage.

For the first one, 49% of American marriages end in it. That is half. Both the adults and the childrens who are affected by a divorce are worse off.

For the second, there was a key point with blanks. Move ______ or make a _______. I knew the first one was "out," but I figured the second one was "baby." It was actually "commitment."

On same-sex marriages, they played a video of street interviews of people on the gay-marriage amendment in California. Most of the people said it should be allowed since it is their lives and we have no right to keep them from marrying. So then the question was that if two men could marry, should three men be allowed to? They all said no. Same for marrying relatives. I just thought it was really funny the double standard we have going there.

I got my mom to buy a "Yes on Amendment 2" sign to put in our front yard, even if we're not supposed to. I'm starting to think the passage of this simple amendment stating only that marriage is defined as between one man and one woman (doesn't take away domestic partnership benefits, so calm down) is the most important thing to be voted on November 4.

Then when I was walking to the car after lunch, I noticed a group of about ten people standing around the back of a van led by some old guy with really long hair, and I saw at least one sign. I knew it was for Obama because no hippie-looking old dude would ever vote for McCain. Whatever they were doing was cool with me, anyway. Except then I saw the guy's shirt. It was a giant picture of Obama. That's just a bit too creepy for me.

I got to play Rock Band 2 yesterday. Awesome! I also want to host a Rock Band party thing, but I don't know when or if I will actually go through with it this time...

1 comment:

Brianna said...

I'll be waiting for my invite...