Thursday, August 28, 2008

By the Way, I Didn't Fall Asleep in APUSH Today

I can normally only post about me because that is what I am best at talking about. It's because of that that I'm a really good listener. But maybe you didn't know that. You should notice that I don't talk all that much, and even when I do around people I feel comfortable around I'm not the center of the conversation, especially if I can't talk about myself. I do store all the information I hear away so that maybe in the future I can talk to you about something not relate to me or my interests and impress you (and hopefully not creep you out) by recovering random facts.

I think I also monopolize the conversation by trying to be funny. Which reminds me, to day I read something about Dale Earnhardt Jr. was on the set of The Office watching filming of an upcoming episode and that the mockumentary is apparently one of his favorite shows. So me and they guy who was on my shirt today have something in common there.

If you will excuse me, my ability to focus has been shot. I will get a good night's sleep tonight, maybe even five hours for once!

1 comment:

More of the worst said...

Ryan! You have a blogspot!
You didn't fall asleep!
She's so boring though... It's sort of a waste of a class.