Sunday, November 30, 2008

It's Not December Yet?

All five days of the break I've heard Christmas this and Christmas that. That's why I'm celebrating Hannukah this year. While the Pace family puts up decorations in the front yard and sets up the Christmas tree, I will be lighting a menorah or whatever I need to do to celebrate Hannukah (I will learn the true meaning of Hannukah in the coming weeks so as to celebrate it properly). I'm serious about this, too. Christianity came from Judaism, so I have respect for all my-God-worshipping holidays.

Today at Super Lube some old guy walked in the waiting room where my family and I were sitting decked out in camo. Immediately I thought, "Oh no." However, I found it pretty amusing. Everyone discussed local hunting and the guy kept using words like "yankee." Hurray white trash!

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